Who Should Join App Development Course?
- Career Transitioners
- Working Professionals
- Tech Graduates
- Undergrads
- Freshers
Course Overview
This course provides an in-depth understanding of Android app development Modules. It covers the essentials of building and designing Android applications, from basic UI design to advanced features and app optimization. By the end of this course, students will be equipped with the skills to create their own functional and visually appealing Android apps.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the fundamentals of Android architecture and components.
- Develop user-friendly interfaces using XML and Java/Kotlin.
- Implement data storage solutions and manage app data effectively.
- Integrate multimedia, sensors, and network communication in apps.
- Debug, test, and optimize Android applications for better performance.
- Deploy Android apps to the Google Play Store.
Course Outline
Day 1: Course Overview and Setup
- Introduction to Android development and its importance
- Overview of the course objectives and structure
- Setting up the development environment: Android Studio installation
- Android SDK Setup
- Android Emulator (Virtual Device) Configuration
Day 2: Android Studio Basics
- Introduction to Android Studio interface
- Creating a new project
- Project structure and file types
- Basic navigation in Android Studio
Day 3: First Android Applications
- Creating a simple "Hello World" application
- Understanding XML and Java/Kotlin code files
- Running the application on an emulator and a physical device
Day 4: Basics of Android Components
- Overview of Activities and Fragments
- Introduction to Intents
- Basic UI components: TextView, Button, EditText
Day 5: Layouts in Android
- Introduction of LinearLayout
- Introduction of RelativeLayout
- Introduction of ConstraintLayout
- Building simple layouts using XML
Day 6: Advanced UI Components
- Implementation of RecyclerView and Adapters
- Implementation of ListViews
- Implementation of GridViews
- Building simple repeated layouts
Day 7: Handling User Input
- Managing user input through EditText
- Implementing button click events and other event listeners
- Implementing textview click event
Day 8: Styles and Themes
- Introduction to styles and themes
- Applying styles and themes to UI components
- Understanding dark and light theme
Day 9: Multiple Activities
- Understanding the life cycle of activity
- Creating and managing multiple activities
- Launching new activity
- Passing data between activities using Intents
- Use cases for fragments in Android applications
- Returing result from activities
Day 10: Fragments
- Introduction to fragments
- Understand the fragments life cycle
- Differences between fragments and activities
- Implementing fragments in an application
Day 11: Navigation Components
- Introduction to the Navigation Component
- Setting up a navigation graph
- Implementing navigation between fragments and activities
Day 12: Dialogs and Toasts
- Building and displaying AlertDialog for simple dialogs
- Customizing AlertDialog with custom layouts
- Handling dialog events and callbacks
- Creating and displaying simple Toast messages
- Using Snackbar for richer user feedback
- Usecase of Alert, Toast and Snackbar
Day 13: SharedPreferences
- Understanding the use cases for SharedPreferences
- Comparing SharedPreferences with other data storage options in Android
- Security considerations when using SharedPreferences
- Reading from and Writing to SharedPreferences
- Storing and retrieving primitive data types (boolean, float, int, long, string)
- Editor for commit and apply operations
- Using SharedPreferences to manage user settings and preferences
Day 14: SQLite Database
- Overview of SQLite and its role in Android applications
- Understanding SQLite database structure and SQL basics
- Comparing SQLite with other local data storage options
- Setting up an SQLite database using SQLiteOpenHelper
- Creating tables, defining columns, and setting up primary keys
- Performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using raw SQL queries
- Handling database migrations and versioning
- Best practices for optimizing SQLite database performance
Day 15: Room Persistence Library
- Overview of the Room persistence library and its advantages over raw SQLite
- Understanding the architecture of Room (Entities, DAO, Database)
- Using annotations to define Room entities and relationships
- Setting up Room in your Android project
Day 16: Room Persistence Library Implementation
- Creating entities and defining relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many)
- Writing DAO (Data Access Object) interfaces for database operations
- Using Room queries to perform CRUD operations
- Handling Room database migrations and version control
- Working with LiveData and Flow for reactive database queries
Day 17: Networking Basics
- Overview of networking concepts and protocols (HTTP, REST, JSON)
- Understanding the importance of threading and background tasks for networking
- Handling network security and permissions in Android (SSL, HTTPS)
- Setting up Retrofit in your Android project
Day 18: Networking Advance
- Defining API endpoints with Retrofit interfaces and annotations
- Parsing JSON responses using Gson or Moshi converters
- Implementing GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests with Retrofit
- Managing network responses and handling errors (e.g., timeouts, parsing errors)
- Using Retrofit with coroutines for asynchronous network calls
- Best practices for caching, retry policies, and data persistence in networking
Day 19: Introduction to Firebase and Its Services
- Overview of Firebase platform
- Overview of Key Service Authentication
- Overview of Key Service Firestore
- Overview of Key Service Storage
- Overview of Key Service Analytics
- Benefits of using Firebase for backend services in mobile apps
Day 20: Implementing Firebase
- Setting up Firebase in an Android project through the Firebase Console
- Configuring Firebase Authentication Email/Password
- Implementing user registration and login functionality
- Best practices for user management and authentication flows
Day 21: Using Cloud Firestore for Real-Time Database
- Overview of Cloud Firestore and its advantages over Realtime Database
- Understanding Firestore data structure of collections
- Understanding Firestore data structure of documents
- Understanding Firestore data structure of fields
- Implementation of Firestore in Android Application
Day 22 : Storing and Retrieving Data from Firestore
- Adding Operation to Firestore documents
- Updating Operation to Firestore documents
- Deleting Operation to Firestore documents
- Reading data from Firestore using queries and listeners
Day 23: Publishing to Google Play Store
- Configuring app signing and generating a signed APK/AAB
- Setting up versioning and release notes for your app
- Testing the app for release (QA, Beta testing)
- Steps to create and set up a Google Play Developer account
- Understanding Google Play Console features and settings
- Setting up app listing details (title, description, screenshots, icons)
Day 24: Publishing the App & Q&A Session
- Uploading the APK/AAB to the Play Console
- Submitting the app for review and handling any review feedback
- Providing resources and recommendations
- QA Session & Assignment
Tools you will master
Our Online Native Android App Development Training in Hindi offers an extensive curriculum that covers everything you need to become a proficient Android app developer.
Live instruction from Native Android App Developers in Industry
Official certification in App Development Course
Vibrant community just like a College Campus
Hand-on curriculum with Real time Android App Projects